Research Institutions - The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla)

Metla is the biggest forest research institute in Finland and one of the largest in Europe.

Three quarters of Finland is under forest, which means that they rely heavily on the forestry industry. The growing stock distribution is approximately 50% Scots pine, 30% Norway spruce and 20% broadleaved species, mostly birch. Finland has a growing stock of 2,206 million m3 (or 97 m3/ha) with an annual growth of 99 million m3 (or 4.3 m3/ha). Private citizens of Finland own 52% of forest land, with the government owning 35%, forest industries 8% and municipalities and parishes 5%. The average private forest estate is small (24 ha), but 80 to 90% of wood is sourced from these forests.

Metla, established in 1917, is a governmental research institute that supports the Finnish forest sector. They have been carrying out the national forest inventory since 1921. 70% of funding is directly from the government and the other 30% comes from ministries, foundations and private organisations. They have a total staff of just over 800, of which 330 are researchers. Their research priorities include:


  • Forest-based enterprise and business activities
  • Social impacts of forests
  • Structure and functioning of forest ecosystems
  • Information data bank on forestry and the forest environment.

The current research programmes, their duration and programme leaders are as follows:

  • Renewing wood product value chains and timber procurement solutions (2009-2013) Heräjärvi, Henrik
  • Wellbeing from forests (2008-2012) Tyrväinen, Liisa
  • Production forestry in drained peatlands (2008-2010) Lain e, Jukka
  • Functioning of forest ecosystems and use of forest resources in changing climate (2007-2011) Vapaavuori, Elina
  • Bioenergy from Forests (2007-2011) Asikainen, Antti
  • Research and Development Programme on Forest Resource Information Systems and Forest Planning (2007-2010) Kurttila, Mikko
  • Cost-efficiency and quality in silvicultural operations (2007-2011) Rantala, Juho
  • Safeguarding forest biodiversity - policy instruments and socio-economic impacts (2005-2010) Hänninen, Riitta


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