Recent research publications

“Advances in agricultural machinery management: A review”

Occurring in Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 126, 2014. Authors: D Bochtisa, C Sorensena and P Busatob. Access at

“Grinding of Stumps, Logging Residues and Small Diameter Wood Using a CBI 5800 Grinder with a Truck as a Base Machine”

Occurring in Baltic Forestry, Vol. 20(1), 2014. Authors: Y Nuutinen, J Laitila and E Rytkonen. Access at

“Evaluation of the Hitman PH330 acoustic assessment system for harvesters”

Occurring in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 29(6), 2014. Authors: D Walsh, M Strandgard and P Carter. Access at

“Increasing resilience of timber supply: How a variable buffer stock of timber can efficiently reduce exposure to shortfalls caused by wildfires”

Occurring in Forest Policy and Economics, Vol. 46, 2014. Authors: F Rauliera, N Dhitala, P Racinea, R Tittlerb and A Fall. Access at

 “Cost estimates of post harvest forest biomass supply for Canada”

Occurring in Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 69, 2014. Authors: D Yemshanova, D McKenneya, S Fraleighb, B McConkeyc, T Huffmand and S Smith. Access at

 “Ground-Based Thinning on Steep Slopes in Western Oregon: Soil Exposure and Strength Effects”

Occurring in Forest Science, Vol. 60(5), 2014. Authors: R Zamora-Cristales and P Adams. Access at

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