Recent research publications

“Intensity, extent and persistence of soil disturbance caused by timber harvesting in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forests on Forestcheck monitoring sites”
Occurring in Australian Forestry Journal (2011) Vol 74(4): page 266. Authors KR Whitford and AE Mellican. Access at

“Assessing the compatibility of recycled concrete aggregate”
Occurring in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (2011) Vol 2253: pages 10 to 21. Authors MLQ Sagario and PSK Ooi. Access at

“Characteristics of and challenges faced by logging business owners in Southern New England”
Occurring in Northern Journal of Applied Forestry (2011) Vol 28(4): pages 180 to 185. Author A Egan. Access at

“Economics of coharvesting smallwood by chainsaw and skidder for crop tree management in Missouri”
Occurring in Northern Journal of Applied Forestry (2011) Vol 28(4): pages 214 to 218. Authors P Beker, EM Bilek, T Cunningham, M Bill, M Calvert, J Jensen, M Norris and T Thompson. Access at

“Wood biomass supply costs and potential for biomass energy plants in Japan”
Occurring in Biomass and Bioenergy (2012) Vol 36: pages 107 to 115. Authors K Kamimura, H Kuboyama and K Yamamoto. Access at  

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