Download some very useful information (or request a DVD) for steep and moderate slope harvesting.
The Turingian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Nature Conservation (TMLFUN) and the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (Department of Forestry), produced a DVD in 2008 titled “Timber harvesting methods in steep and moderately sloped terrain – Documentation of engineering and technologies”. Prof. Erik Findeisen was the editor of the DVD, with the production being carried out by Christian Stuhlmann and Andreas Liebal (all of Erfurt University of Applied Sciences).
The DVD was initiated as part of a research project titled “Development of an innovative timber skidding method for moderately sloped terrain – status 2008“. The DVD includes 19 different timber harvesting methods that can be used in steep and moderate terrain. Besides presenting the detail of each harvesting method, videos and photographs; the infrastructure, technical equipment, preparation and coordination requirements for each method are also demonstrated. All methods are also evaluated regarding ergonomic (work load and occupational safety), ecological (soil and stand conservation), and economic (productivity and cost) aspects. Logging-on evaluated the DVD and were impressed with the value of the information, as well as the way that the information is presented.
The DVD can be requested from Erik at or downloaded from