The FPT engine series will be fully supported by Tigercat, including all parts, service, warranty and technical support.
Tigercat partners with FPT Industrials for their Tier 4 engine solutions
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2018-02-22 11:26:30
Stihl releases their new MS 261 C-M chainsaw with M-Tronic
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2018-02-22 11:08:36
The MS 261 C-M is a 50.2 cm3 chainsaw aimed at professional loggers.
Recent research publications
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2018-02-22 10:54:36
“A multi-stem feller-buncher cycle-time model for partial harvest of small diameter wood stands”
“Logging companies in the European mountains: an example from the Italian Alps”
New tracked land clearing carrier from Bandit
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2018-02-22 10:26:54
The 3750 and 3000 can be fitted with mulching and stump grinding attachments.
Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?
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2018-02-22 10:26:39
FPInnovations publishes a report on the critical biomass attributes of the most common bioenergy and biofuel applications
New Cat D series compact track loaders and multi terrain loaders
JCB launches new wheeled loaders
What will the forests of the future be used for?
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2018-02-22 10:15:02
120 experts met in Canada to investigate this matter further.
Comprehensive logging safety checklist book
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2018-02-22 07:42:44
Help manage safety risks in your logging operations with the use of a safety checklist booklet.