News Articles - May 2017 - Issue 2

The Third International Forest Engineering School is being presented during November
2018-02-22 11:19:46

This comprehensive three-week course concentrates on the use of technology to more effectively manage Forest Engineering operations.

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The future of trucking - Integrated systems for services and infotainment
2018-02-22 11:13:37

Volvo launches a new system for an enhanced and safer driver experience, easier navigation and more efficient fleet management.

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Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?
2018-02-22 11:13:23

Tigercat makes changes to their 822D Series carriers

Logset produces a new harvester head for eucalypts

Ponsse announces new features in their service application to include chains and bars

John Deere expects forestry equipment sales to be down by 5 % for 2017

Caterpillar names Chicago, Illinois, as their new global headquarters

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Recent research publications
2018-02-22 11:03:54

"Stump harvesting for bioenergy – methods and environmental effects”

"Impacts of Central Tire Inflation Systems application on forest transportation – Review”

"Decision support system to find a skid trail network for extracting marked trees”

"Modelling of forwarding distance to maximize the utilization of medium and high-power harvester technology”

"Recovering energy biomass from sustainable forestry using local labor resources”

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Tigercat to debut their new large and heavy-duty wheeled harvester at Elmia
2018-02-22 10:58:02

The 8-wheeled 1185 brings Tigercat right into the market to provide solutions for wheeled CTL customers requiring larger machines.

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Using virtual reality to design engines
2018-02-22 10:46:18

Engineers at Cummins are using virtual reality to get a one-to-one perspective on engines and components, often before anything is built.

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Kesla introduces their new high lifting capacity straight boom crane
2018-02-22 09:17:03

The new crane is especially suitable for timber loading at terminals, for industrial applications and for chipper or crusher feeding.

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Conferences and Exhibitions
2018-02-22 08:03:41

To see the full list of international logging, roading and trucking conferences and expo’s, please click the “read more” tab.

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