Even though logging machines work in difficult conditions, keeping them clean prolongs the life of your machine.
Tigercat gives advice on keeping your equipment clean
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2018-02-22 11:24:08
Timber truck payload management with different in-forest weighing strategies
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2018-02-22 11:22:41
Four different weighing systems were tested.
Safety tips from John Deere
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2018-02-22 10:57:38
Safety is the top priority of all logging crews. John Deere assists us in keeping the logging site safe.
Recent research publications
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2018-02-22 10:51:55
"Sustainable use of eucalypt biomass grown on short rotation coppice for bioenergy”
"Modelling of Downhill Timber Skidding: Bigger Load – Bigger Slope”
"Possibilities of Using Small Tractors for Forestry Operations on Private Property "
"Fly Ash in Forest Road Rehabilitation"
Doosan introduces a tilting coupler for up to 180 degrees of attachment movement
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2018-02-22 08:08:50
The new coupler gives excavators flexibility to carry out different work on the job site.
Cruise control with breaking systems to prevent truck accidents
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2018-02-22 08:07:10
Preventing trucks from colliding with the vehicles in front of them.
Conferences and Exhibitions
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2018-02-22 07:44:31
To see the full list of international logging, roading and trucking conferences and expo’s, please click the “read more” tab.