News Articles - May 2012

Trelleborg launches new app to precisely calculate loads
2018-02-22 11:26:31

The Trelleborg Load Calculator (TLC) helps determine optimal tyre pressure for specific conditions.

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Recent research publications
2018-02-22 10:51:29

“Potentials of possible machine systems for directly loading logs in cut-to-length harvesting”

“Current and Potential Tagging and Tracking Systems for Logs Harvested from Pacific Northwest Forests”

“Sorting Eucalyptus nitens plantation logs using acoustic wave velocity”

“Predicting Loaded On-Highway Travel Times of Trucks Hauling Woody Raw Material for Improved Forest Biomass Utilization in Oregon”

“A detrimental soil disturbance prediction model for ground-based timber harvesting”

“Immediate Effects of Logging, Mounding, and Removal of Logging Residues on Epixylic Species in Managed Boreal Norway Spruce Stands in Southern Finland”

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Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?
2018-02-22 10:33:35


New world speed record for Volvo hybrid truck.

JCB honoured with Queens Award for worlds number one backhoe loader.

New Holland launches two new excavator models.


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New publication - Road Haulage of Round Timber: Code of Practice
2018-02-22 10:09:14

The Timber Transport Forum of the UK has released the 4th edition of their log transport best practice document.

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New felling head from Cat more durable and productive
2018-02-22 09:49:24

Cat has introduced the new Cat HF201B feller buncher head into most of its logging markets.

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Logging research results - Determining the productivity of harvesting systems when having to retain the young understorey
2018-02-22 09:33:21

Researchers have investigated the impact and productivity of CTL systems when carrying out final felling while retaining the understorey.

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Fuel consumption of log haulage versus general freight
2018-02-22 08:31:59

This COFORD Connects publication sheds some light on how log transport fuel consumption compares to general haulage.

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2018-02-22 08:24:08

29-31 May 2012 - 5th World Bioenergy 2012 (exhibition and conference) - Jonkoping, Sweden.

29 May-2 June 2012 - CONEXPO - Moscow, Russia.

6-8 June 2012 - Forexpo 2012 - Mimizan, France.

13-16 June 2012 - KWF Expo 2012 - Bopfingen, Germany.

27-29 July 2012 - Lumberjack World Championships - Wisconsin, USA.

30 August-1 September 2012 - FinnMetko 2012 - Jämsänkoski, Finland.

20-22 September 2012 - Demo International - Saint-Raymond, Quebec.

1-2 November 2012 - FICA Big day out (practical field day) - Rotorua, New Zealand.    NEW!

5-8 June 2013 - ElmiaWood - Jonkoping, Sweden.

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Equipment manufacturer and dealer movements
2018-02-22 08:17:35

Australia news – Randalls Equipment appointed as new Australian SP distributor.

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