News Articles - June 2010

Research - Steep slope harvesting in New Zealand
2018-02-22 11:05:03

Improved productivity, no worker on the slope and no hand on the chainsaw? What is this all about?

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Newsflash - What's happening in forest engineering?
2018-02-22 10:33:30

Peterson – 5900EL disc chipper

Sweden – Biomass now generates 32% of all the energy in Sweden.

John Deere – To establish a tractor history museum in Waterloo, Iowa

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – New products from forest biorefineries

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Log Max - Accumulation Kit for Log Max heads
2018-02-22 09:25:17

Log Max has developed an Accumulation Kit that can be fitted as an option to Log Max heads.

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Interesting Products - Tanguay TG88E grapple skidder
2018-02-22 08:59:06

The worlds largest grapple skidder has been designed for extreme terrain conditions!

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Interesting Information - Why do we use grease?
2018-02-22 08:57:53

We take a quick look at the function of grease and the important characteristics it should have.

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How much carbon is in a tree?
2018-02-22 08:39:51

How much carbon do we store in wood compared to the carbon emitted by energy use for everyday activities?

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Forest Footprint Disclosure
2018-02-22 08:29:10

A new initiative called Forest Footprint Disclosure (FFD) helps companies and investors look at how their products or supply chains cause possible deforestation of indigenous forests.

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2018-02-22 08:18:55

24-26 June 2010 - Galiforest - Santiago, Spain. 

30 June-1 July 2010 - AEBIOM European Bioenergy conference & RENEXPO Bioenergy - Brussels, Belgium. NEW! 

14-18 July 2010 - INTERFORST Trade Fair for Forestry Technology - Munich, Germany.

19-22 August 2010 - Maderexpo - Montevideo, Uruguay.

24-27 August 2010 - Tra and Teknik: Wood Products and Technology - Göteborg, Sweden.

2-4 September 2010 - FinnMETKO - Finland.

7-9 October 2010 - Sabie Forest Fair - Sabie, South Africa.  NEW! 

15 November 2010 - Expocorma - Santiago, Chile.

13-15 April 2011 - Expoforest 2011 (and XVI Seminar on harvesting and wood transportation) - Brazil. 

29-31 March 2012 - AusTimber (and conference) - Mount Gambier, South Australia.

5-8 June 2013 - ElmiaWood - Jonkoping, Sweden.  NEW!

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