Improved productivity, no worker on the slope and no hand on the chainsaw? What is this all about?
Peterson – 5900EL disc chipper
Sweden – Biomass now generates 32% of all the energy in Sweden.
John Deere – To establish a tractor history museum in Waterloo, Iowa
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – New products from forest biorefineries
Log Max has developed an Accumulation Kit that can be fitted as an option to Log Max heads.
The worlds largest grapple skidder has been designed for extreme terrain conditions!
We take a quick look at the function of grease and the important characteristics it should have.
How much carbon do we store in wood compared to the carbon emitted by energy use for everyday activities?
A new initiative called Forest Footprint Disclosure (FFD) helps companies and investors look at how their products or supply chains cause possible deforestation of indigenous forests.
24-26 June 2010 - Galiforest - Santiago, Spain.
30 June-1 July 2010 - AEBIOM European Bioenergy conference & RENEXPO Bioenergy - Brussels, Belgium. NEW!
14-18 July 2010 - INTERFORST Trade Fair for Forestry Technology - Munich, Germany.
19-22 August 2010 - Maderexpo - Montevideo, Uruguay.
24-27 August 2010 - Tra and Teknik: Wood Products and Technology - Göteborg, Sweden.
2-4 September 2010 - FinnMETKO - Finland.
7-9 October 2010 - Sabie Forest Fair - Sabie, South Africa. NEW!
15 November 2010 - Expocorma - Santiago, Chile.
13-15 April 2011 - Expoforest 2011 (and XVI Seminar on harvesting and wood transportation) - Brazil.
29-31 March 2012 - AusTimber (and conference) - Mount Gambier, South Australia.
5-8 June 2013 - ElmiaWood - Jonkoping, Sweden. NEW!