News Articles - July 2017

Tigercat provides logging tyre service tips
2018-02-22 11:27:49

Get high service life and maximum safety out of your tyres

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Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?
2018-02-22 11:13:30

Komatsu Forests MaxiFleet obtains an upgrade for machine management

Ponsse makes changes in the organisation of their Area Directors

Eco Log obtains a new dealer in Uruguay

Vermeer produces a brush chipper operation and safety video

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Recent research publications
2018-02-22 11:03:56

"Validation of the OpCost logging cost model using contractor surveys”

"Operational efficiency analysis of New Zealand timber harvesting contractors using data envelopment analysis”

"Forwarder crane’s boom tip control system and beginner-level operators”

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Ponsse give an update on their products and services at Elmia 2017
2018-02-22 10:44:28

The solutions focus on improving the operator's performance and comfort.

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Logset presents their newly designed controls for harvesters
2018-02-22 09:38:51

The new controls ease the driving of the harvester and the operator can always sit comfortably

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Komatsu designs a thinning harvester for good manoeuvrability and stability
2018-02-22 09:17:51

The 901XC is an 8-wheeled harvester that forms part of Komatsu Forest's new XC product series.

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Kesla produces new harvester heads for their large wheeled harvesters
2018-02-22 09:17:12

The new, modular series of the heads includes three different models - the 27RH-II, 28RH-II and 30RH-II

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Conferences and Exhibitions
2018-02-22 08:04:19

21-22 August 2017 - 2017 NZ Forest - Wood Products Conference & Field Trip - Rotorua, New Zealand.  NEW!

12-15 September 2017 - 2017 DANA Africa Forest Industry Investment Conference and Field Trip - Kruger Park, South Africa. NEW!

05 October 2017 - 2017 FWPA / DANA Insights and Outlook Conference - Melbourne, Australia. NEW!

06 October 2017 - 2017 DANA Wood Chip / Wood Pellet Seminar and Field Trip - Melbourne, Australia  NEW!

17-21 October 2017 - 2017 DANA / Maradei-Pike Southern Cone Forest Industry Investment Conference - Buenos Aires, Argentina. NEW!

To see the full list of international logging, roading and trucking conferences and expo’s, please click the “read more” tab.

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