News Articles - Biomass and biofuel

New publication - Establishing short rotation energy crops from a harvesting perspective
2018-02-22 10:07:40

COFORD educates us on the field layout of energy crops to ensure good harvesting efficiency.

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New publication - COFORD releases a report detailing cost-effective woodfuel supply chains
2018-02-22 10:07:08

This comprehensive report, which can be downloaded from the web, investigated harvesting wood for energy.

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Measuring biomass moisture content accurately
2018-02-22 09:41:52

Researchers have devised an easy and practical way of measuring moisture content.

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Logset begins a new focus on bioenergy
2018-02-22 09:38:32

The global interest in bioenergy has prompted Logset to produce products for this market.

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John Deere launches educational woody biomass website
2018-02-22 09:04:48

The website is designed to educate and inform about the importance of harvesting woody biomass.

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Interesting products - Computer programmes to simplify bioenergy calculations
2018-02-22 08:58:23

Two programmes are available that compare different fuels for bioenergy production, including the delivered costs of wood.

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Interesting information - Producing your own bioenergy from wood biomass using a portable energy plant
2018-02-22 08:56:36

Producing energy on-site in forestry could create many business opportunities. We examine an article that investigates the advantages and disadvantages of using wood to produce electricity.

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How much carbon is in a tree?
2018-02-22 08:39:51

How much carbon do we store in wood compared to the carbon emitted by energy use for everyday activities?

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How does handling logging residue affect its moisture content and composition?
2018-02-22 08:39:44

Researchers examined storing residue infield compared to transporting it fresh to roadside.

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Harvesting and storage of short rotation coppice willow
2018-02-22 08:38:32

COFORD has supplied us with ideas on how to harvest coppiced willow, and store the product to meet customer requirements.

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