Tigercat includes fuel testing in its fluid analysis programme

The demands of modern diesel engines make diesel testing very important.

The Tigercat Fluid Analysis (TFA) program allows one to see what is going into the machine’s fuel tank and makes sure that it meets Tigercat’s standards. The latest generation high-pressure, common rail (HPCR) fuel injection systems used with Tigercat FPT engines operate at much higher temperatures and pressures than previous engines. This means even slight fuel contamination can cause serious engine damage – especially to expensive fuel injectors. On top of regular fuel filter changes, using the recommended filters and filtering fuel from the storage tank, regular testing is an important tactic in the fight against contaminated diesel. The Tigercat Fluid Analysis (TFA) program simplifies this process of ensuring that what is going into the machine’s tank meets Tigercat’s standards.

In partnership with Fluid Life (www.fluidlife.com), Tigercat’s TFA fuel testing program provides an effortless way to take samples and get results quickly. The tests will verify sulphur content, water contamination and the amount of particulates to precisely identify the condition of the fuel. Ensuring top quality fuel improves engine reliability and optimizes fuel economy. TFA fuel testing can also track seasonal variations in fuel to match the right fuel to the right season (especially important in cold weather climates) and give advanced warning of possible engine problems that might develop.

Submitting fuel samples to TFA is simple. The fuel test kit includes secure, metal sample containers that are approved for fuel transport and shipping. With the machine at operating temperature, clean all debris from around the fuel cap then remove the cap, remove the fuel neck strainer and use a clean fuel syphon pump (reserved for diesel fuel only) to fill the sample bottle. If problems are identified, further samples may be required from the on-site bulk storage tank or directly from the supplier to track down the sources of contamination. Testing can also be performed for bacteria, fungi or mold by special request. TFA fuel test kits are available through Tigercat dealer. This program is available in North America only. Source

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