The Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University has produced a document titled “Low Water Stream Crossings in Iowa – A Selection and Design Guide”. The document was published in 2003 and was prepared by Thomas McDonald and Mark Anderson-Wilk.
The guide covers data collection at the stream crossing site, as well as site evaluations. Information is then provided on three different types of low water stream crossings to ensure that the correct crossing is constructed in relation to the stream and the vehicles that will use it. The three types included are unvented fords, vented fords and low water bridges.
Most of the guide deals with the actual design and construction of the above three crossing types. Included are general design elements, material selection and actual construction. The closing chapters cover maintenance of these stream crossings, traffic control measures and legal considerations.
The document has useful diagrams and formulas to make design, construction and management easier.
Source: http://www.intrans.iastate.edu/