Recent research publications

"Poplar woodchip storage in small and medium piles with different forms, densities and volumes”

Occurring in Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 87, 2016. The authors were M Manzone and P Balsari. Source:

"Productivity of harvesting dense birch stands for bioenergy”

Occurring in Biomass and Bioenergy. Available online 24 March 2016. The authors were P Jylhä and D Bergström. Source:

"Environmental performance of wood pellets' production through life cycle analysis"

Occurring in Energy, Vol. 103, 2016. The authors were A Laschi, E Marchi and S González-García. Source:

"The impact of road geometry and surface roughness on fuel consumption of logging trucks"

Occurring in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. The authors were G Svenson and D Fjeld. Source:

"Carbon Footprint of Forest Operations under Different Management Regimes"

Occurring in the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 37(1), 2016. The authors were G Cosola, S Grigolato, P Ackerman, S Monterotti and R Cavalli. Source:

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