Recent research publications

“Theoretical potentials of forwarder trailers with and without axle load restrictions”

Occurring in the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 35(2), 2014. Authors: O Lindroos and I Wasterland. Access at  

 “Effect of transmission type on wheel slip under overload – Presented on the example of the AGT 835 T tractors”

Occurring in the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 35(2), 2014. Author: J Marence. Access at  

“Effects of traffic frequency and skid trail slope on surface runoff and sediment yield”

Occurring in the International Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 25(2), 2014. Authors: A Solgi, A Najafi and S Sadeghi. Access at

“Evaluation of a novel prototype harvester head in early fuel-wood thinnings”

Occurring in the International Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 25(2), 2014. Authors: D Bergstrom and F Di Fulvio. Access at

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