“Comparison of cost efficiency of mechanized fuel wood thinning systems for hardwood plantations on farmland”
Occurring in the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 35(2), 2014. Authors: R Spinelli, N Magagnotti, F Di Fulvio, D Bergstrom, M Danelon and G Alberti. Access at http://www.crojfe.com/articles-822#825
“Productivity study of WoodPac bundling of logging residues and small stems”
Occurring in the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 35(2), 2014. Authors: I Wasterland and A Ohlund. Access at http://www.crojfe.com/articles-822#825
“The energy consumption and economic costs of different vehicles used in transporting wood chips”
Occurring in Fuel, Vol. 139, 2015. Authors: M Manzone and P Balsari. Access at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016236114008631
“Wood-based energy products – land or energy efficient?”
Occurring in the Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 44(10), 2014. Authors: P Dwivedi and M Khanna. Access at http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfr-2014-0210