Recent research publications

"The effects of number of stems per stool on cutting productivity in coppiced Eucalyptus plantations”

Occurring in Silva Fennica, Vol. 50(2), 2016. The authors were A McEwan, N Magagnotti and R Spinelli. Source:

"Harvesting Eucalyptus energy plantations in Brazil with a modified New Holland forage harvester”

Occurring in Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 86, March 2016. The authors were S Guerra, G Oguri and R Spinelli. Source:

"Process mechanization models for improved Eucalyptus plantation management in Southern China based on the analysis of currently applied semi-mechanized harvesting operations"

Occurring in Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 87, April 2016. The authors were B Engler, G Becker and S Hoffmann. Source:

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