“The effect of mechanization level and harvesting system on the thinning cost of Mediterranean softwood plantations”
Occurring in Silva Fennica, Vol. 48(1), 2014. Authors: R Spinelli, C Lombardini and N Magagnotti. Access at http://www.silvafennica.fi/issue/issue/82
“A comparison of productivity in five small-scale harvesting systems”
Occurring in Small-scale Forestry, Vol. 13(1), 2014. Authors: K Melemez, M Tunay and T Emir. Access at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11842-013-9239-1
“Applying airborne LiDAR for forested road geomatics”
Occurring in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 29(2), 2014. Authors: M Craven and M Wing. Access at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sfor20/current
“Determining observer and method effects on the accuracy of elemental time studies in forest operations”
Occurring in Baltic Forestry, Vol. 19(2), 2013. Authors: R Spinelli, R Laina-Relano, N Magagnotti and E Tolosana. Access at http://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/
“Grade and value variations in Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis veneer due to variations in initial plantation spacings”
Occurring in Australian Forestry, Vol. 77(1), 2014. Authors: Y Peng, R Washusen, D Xiang, J Lan, S Chen and R Arnold. Access at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00049158.2013.877415
Occurring in Silva Fennica, Vol. 48(1), 2014. Authors: R Spinelli, C Lombardini and N Magagnotti. Access at http://www.silvafennica.fi/issue/issue/82
“A comparison of productivity in five small-scale harvesting systems”
Occurring in Small-scale Forestry, Vol. 13(1), 2014. Authors: K Melemez, M Tunay and T Emir. Access at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11842-013-9239-1
“Applying airborne LiDAR for forested road geomatics”
Occurring in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 29(2), 2014. Authors: M Craven and M Wing. Access at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sfor20/current
“Determining observer and method effects on the accuracy of elemental time studies in forest operations”
Occurring in Baltic Forestry, Vol. 19(2), 2013. Authors: R Spinelli, R Laina-Relano, N Magagnotti and E Tolosana. Access at http://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/
“Grade and value variations in Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis veneer due to variations in initial plantation spacings”
Occurring in Australian Forestry, Vol. 77(1), 2014. Authors: Y Peng, R Washusen, D Xiang, J Lan, S Chen and R Arnold. Access at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00049158.2013.877415