Recent research publications

“Cost analysis of forest biomass supply chain logistics”
Occurring in the Journal of Forestry, 2013, Vol. 111(4). Authors: D Abbas, R Handler, D Dykstra, B Hartsough and P Lautala. Access at  

“Potential above-ground biomass losses from severe soil rutting during wet weather timber harvests of coastal plain loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations mitigated by mechanical site preparation”
Occurring in the Forest Ecology and Management Journal, Vol. 307, Nov 2013. Authors: D Passauer, W Aust, MC Bolding, B Strahm, J Burger, S Patterson, E Vance and ET Roberts Jr. Access at  

“Transpirational drying effects on energy and ash content from whole-tree southern pine plantation chipping operations”
Occurring in the Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 2013, Vol. 37(3). Authors: J Cutshall, D Greene and S Baker. Access at  

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