Recent research publications

“Landing characteristics for harvesting operations in New Zealand”
Occurring in the International Journal of Forest Engineering, Vol. 22 (2) (2011). Authors: R Visser, R Spinelli and N Magagnotti. Access at

“Sorting Eucalyptus nitens plantation logs using acoustic wave velocity”
Occurring in the Australian Forestry Journal, Vol. 75(1) (2012). Authors: R Farrell, T Innes and C Harwood. Access at  

“The effects of cording, timber load and soil gravel content on soil compaction during timber harvesting on moist soils”
Occurring in the Australian Forestry Journal, Vol. 75(2) (2012). Authors: K Whitford, G Stoneman, A Seymour, P Murray, L Eaton and M Tanimoto. Access at  

“The economics of short rotation coppice in Germany”
Occurring in the Biomass and Bioenergy Journal, Vol. 45 (2012), pages 27 to 40. Authors: R Faasch and G Patenaude.
Access at

“Biomass production potential of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench.) in Scandanavia and Eastern Europe: A review”
Occurring in the Biomass and Bioenergy Journal, Vol. 45 (2012), pages 11 to 26. Authors: J Aosaar, M Varik and V Uri.
Access at

“Operational efficiency of Rimbaka timber harvester in hilly tropical forest”
Occurring in the Journal of Tropical Forest Science, Vol. 24(3) (2012), pages 368 to 378. Authors: K Norizah, I Hasmadi, J Kamaruzaman and M Alias. Access at

“Below-ground biomass production and allometric relationship of Eucalyptus coppice plantation in the central highlands of Madagascar”
Occurring in the Biomass and Bioenergy Journal, Vol. 45 (2012), pages 1 to 10. Authors: R Razakamanarivo, A Razakavololona, M-A Razafindrakoto, G Vieilledent and A Albrecht.
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