Recent research publications

“Potentials of possible machine systems for directly loading logs in cut-to-length harvesting”
Occurring in the Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2012, Vol. 42 (5), pages 970 - 985. Authors: O Ringdahl, T Hellstrom and O Lindroosb. Access at

“Current and Potential Tagging and Tracking Systems for Logs Harvested from Pacific Northwest Forests”
Occurring in the Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 2012, Vol. 27 (2), pages 84 - 91. Authors: G Murphy, J Clark and S Pilkerton. Access at

“Sorting Eucalyptus nitens plantation logs using acoustic wave velocity”
Occurring in the Australian Forestry Journal, 2012, Vol. 75 (1), page 22. Authors: R Farrell, T Innes and C Harwood. Access at

“Predicting Loaded On-Highway Travel Times of Trucks Hauling Woody Raw Material for Improved Forest Biomass Utilization in Oregon”
Occurring in the Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 2012, Vol. 27 (2), pages 92 - 98. Authors: S-K Han and G Murphy. Access at

“A detrimental soil disturbance prediction model for ground-based timber harvesting”
Occurring in the Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2012, Vol. 42 (5), pages 821 - 830. Authors: D Reeves, M Reeves, A Abbott, D Page-Dumroese and M Colemand. Access at

“Immediate Effects of Logging, Mounding, and Removal of Logging Residues on Epixylic Species in Managed Boreal Norway Spruce Stands in Southern Finland”
Occurring in the Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 2012, Vol. 31 (3), pages 205 - 229. Authors: R Rabinowitsch, S Laaka-Lindberg and I Vanha-Majamaa. Access at  

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