"Stump harvesting for bioenergy – methods and environmental effects”
Occurring in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 32 (3), 2017. The author was T Persson. Source
"Impacts of Central Tire Inflation Systems application on forest transportation – Review”
Occurring in the Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 63, 2017. The author was M Ghaffariyan. Source
"Decision support system to find a skid trail network for extracting marked trees”
Occurring in the Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 63, 2017. The authors were A Parsakhoo, M Mostafa, S Shataee and M Lotfalian. Source
"Modelling of forwarding distance to maximize the utilization of medium and high-power harvester technology”
Occurring in the Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 63, 2017. The authors were J DvoÅ™ák, P Natov and M Lieskovský. Source
"Recovering energy biomass from sustainable forestry using local labor resources”
Occurring in the Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 157, 2017. The authors were M Eker, R Spinelli and N Gürlevik. Source