Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?

Waratah builds their 1,500th 622B harvester head.
The milestone was reached in New Zealand during September (Edwe thought everyone was watching rugby?). The 622B is Waratah’s most popular head. The head was shipped to a customer in Canada. Source:

Bell Equipment founder passes on.
The founder of Bell Equipment, Mr Irvine Bell, passed away at his home in South Africa at the age of 91. Bell machines, especially the iconic three-wheeled loader, are found in logging operations across the globe.

Tub grinder operation and safety video from Vermeer.
The 30 minute video includes sections on how to position the tub grinder at the work area, preparing the grinder for operation, how to operate the grinder effectively, preparing the grinder for transport and setting up the loader. Source:

Interactive map to provide a global overview of biofuel development.
The interactive map, called the Global Biofuel Information Tool (GBIT) and produced by CIFOR, provides a geographical overview of biofuel production, consumption and investment around the world.

Cargotec to build a Euro 35 million Technology and Competence Centre in Tampere, Finland.
The centre will take three years to construct (2011 to 2013) and will focus on energy efficiency technologies and the intelligent use of machine. There will also be an extensive test and simulation area where automated equipment, navigation systems and remote steering and control will be tested. Source:

Precision Forestry in Advance Symposium – South Australia - 27 to 28 March 2012.
The symposium will take place at Mount Gambier during AusTimber 2012. The symposium has a strong forest engineering flavour, with sessions that include log transport planning, modelling harvester productivity, cost comparisons between infield chipping and cut-to-length operations, and planning and monitoring systems to control wood supply chains. Source:  

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