Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?

North America news - Cat CT660 vocational trucks ready to work.
Product testing has been completed and the trucks are now ready to be shipped to customers. Limited production began in June. This new truck also features a product link remote monitoring system which allows owners to know the location of their trucks, what they are doing and how they are performing. Source:

Bell Equipment to offer operator simulator training.
Bell Equipment has introduced an operator training simulator service for its customers. Simulators are currently available for the wheeled loader, tracked dozer and motor grader, with plans to introduce a tractor-loader-backhoe (TLB) by the end of the year. Source:

South American news – Deere and Hitachi to add construction equipment factories in Brazil.
Deere will invest $ 124 million dollars in two new factories in Sao Paulo. One factory will manufacture backhoe loaders and four-wheel-drive-loaders, while Deere will partner with Hitachi on the second, which will manufacture 15 to 40 tonne excavators. Source:  and

South American news – MAN Latin America announces record investments.
MAN Latin America, based in Sao Paulo, will invest more than € 400 million from 2012 to 2016 in additional production capacity and research and development. The MAN brand will be launched in Latin America in 2012, and will have an assembly line in the Resende plant to manufacture trucks of 400 hp and more (300 kW). MAN will also invest in expanding its range of products and developing new segments of the market. Source:  

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