Peterson – 5900EL disc chipper

The 5900 has been enhanced with an extended length (hence the 5900EL) feed deck (11 ft/ 3.3 m). It also has a new hydraulic clutch, clutch drive for the internal feed rollers and a totally enclosed CAT C18 (Tier 4 ready) engine. It can produce pulp chips when working with the 4800 debarker or fuel chips as a standalone unit. The same chipping components as the 5000H delimber/debarker/chipper are used. Source:
Sweden – Biomass now generates 32% of all the energy in Sweden.
This makes it the number one source for energy generation in Sweden, having overtaken oil. This has increased the demand for pulp logs and wood chips, creating competition between the pulp industry and the energy sector. Good news if you are a timber grower!
John Deere – To establish a tractor history museum in Waterloo, Iowa
John Deere is going to construct the Waterloo Tractor and Engine Museum in Iowa. Completion is scheduled for late 2011. It will showcase tractors and engines from the span of the company’s 173 year history. Source:
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – New products from forest biorefineries
VTT is coordinating a large EU project (€10.9 m) called AFORE. This will look at more effectively recovering the wood components from forest residue and process side-streams. The separation and recovery technologies will also be important for future forest bio-refineries.