Newsflash - What's happening in Forest Engineering?

Komatsu Forest launches their new 845 forwarder
Logging-on reported on this new forwarder in the June 2013 newsletter, after having witnessed it at Elmia Wood 2013. The 845 forwarder is now officially available and technical information on it can be found on the Komatsu Forest website. Source:  

Ponsse produces their 9000th machine built in Vierema
The machine, a Ponsse ElephantKing forwarder, was delivered to one of their Canadian customers. Ponsse machines have been manufactured in Vierema since 1970, and approximately 7000 machines are still in active use. Source:  

John Deere’s Intelligent Boom Control debuts in North America
This new forwarder technology was introduced at Elmia Wood 2013, and is now offered as an option on its 1210E and 1510E forwarders in North America. Source:
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