Newsflash – What’s happening in Forest Engineering

Log Max have just built their 9000th head!

It was a Log Max 6000V, and is ready for delivery to France to be exhibited at Euro Forest. Log Max number 9000 has now been shown to thousands of visitors at the big European Exhibition in their dealer @cuoqforestdiffusion Diffision stand. They are now looking for the proud 9000th Log Max head owner! If you want to be this lucky person, contact log Max. Source

New Tigercat TCi Dealer in France

Tigercat Industries is pleased to announce that Cuoq Forest Diffusion (CFD) based in Saint Pal de Mons is now representing the TCi equipment brand at the national level in France. Previous TCi dealer for France, Clohse Group, will continue to service the Benelux region and northwestern Germany. Source

Bandit Announces new dealers in British Columbia and Texas

CC Equipment, ltd. has joined the Bandit dealer network as a full line dealer covering the province of British Columbia, Canada. CC Equipment is a locally owned Canadian company, serving metro Vancouver, the lower mainland, Vancouver Island, and southern British Columbia from Whistler to Hope. CC Equipment Ltd. is recognized as a leader in parts, service, sales, and rentals for all your job site requirements. Below are the two branches that will have Bandit equipment. Source