This paper investigated current practices for managing unsealed earth and aggregate roads.
The article, authored by George Huntington and Khaled Ksaibati, is titled “Management of Unsealed Gravel Roads – State of the Practice in American Counties”. The article appeared in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2232 (2011), pages one to nine.
The paper examined the state of unsealed earth and aggregate gravel roads management. It also examined different international efforts to manage unsealed roads. The current road costing systems in the United States were analysed, and recent road management survey results were incorporated into the study. All of this information was analysed and combined to form a general discussion on unsealed roads management. The strengths and weaknesses of each practice were described, and suggestions are made about how the practices can be improved.
Unfortunately the article is only available to subscribers of the Journal. There is much interesting information in the journal if a copy can be obtained. Please consult the journal for a more complete account of the information.