New Publication - Ground Based Harvesting Handbook

The South African Ground Based Harvesting Handbook will appeal to all loggers and students foresters, contractors and students.

The Handbook was produced by Forest Engineering Southern Africa (FESA) and the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR), with co-funding from the Forest Industries Education and Training Authority (FIETA). It describes the various equipment types and harvesting systems used in South Africa and internationally. It provides a broad and detailed overview of equipment capabilities and limitations, as well as the factors affecting these ground based operations. It is comprehensive enough to meet a broad spectrum of user needs, including loggers, planners, forestry managers and students.

The Handbook consists of seven chapters, which cover the following subject areas:

  • Chapter 1 and 2 provide an introduction and overview of ground based harvesting and transport methods and systems, and an introduction to supply chain management. Nomenclature and terms are explained.
  • Chapter 3 covers all ground based harvesting equipment. This includes felling, processing, extraction and loading. Also included are machine capabilities, productivity indices and equipment applications.
  • Chapters 4 and 5 include machine and system costing, as well as the different harvesting planning levels.
  • Chapters 6 and 7 deals with environmental issues and impacts, and general health and safety aspects.
  • The Handbook ends with a Glossary of Terms.

The book can be ordered from Sally Upfold at

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