New publication - Establishing short rotation energy crops from a harvesting perspective

COFORD educates us on the field layout of energy crops to ensure good harvesting efficiency.

The COFORD Connects (Harvesting / Transport No. 28) bulletin is titled “Establishment of short rotation coppice seen from a harvesting point of view”, and the author was Pieter Kofman. The objective of the document is to provide establishment layout guidance so that harvesting operations are optimised. The document begins by explaining some of the establishment principles and specifications. Some of the pertinent points raised are as follows:
  • Spacing between rows needs to be sufficient to allow a double row to pass under the machine.
  • Double rows need to be as straight as possible to optimise productivity and reduce tyre and coppice damage.
  • Short rows should be avoided, as much time is taken by turning the machines.
  • Fields should be concentrated in large blocks as far as possible.
  • The headlands of fields should be wide enough to allow machines to turn.
  • Rows should arrive at the headland at a right angle.
  • Very wet fields should be drained if harvesting takes place in the wet season.

Clear sketches illustrate the salient points. The COFORD Connects document can be accessed at .
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