New European project commissioned to generate machine operator training material

The project is financed by the European Commission under the Lifelong learning programme.

The project has the aim of increasing the level of professional and language skills of European forest machine operators. The main outcomes of the project are as follows:
  1. A multilingual glossary of technical forestry terms. This will allow logging machine operators in different countries to communicate. The glossary will also assist non-native English speakers to better understand English logging machine manuals and parts catalogues.
  2. Integrated learning material for training. Professional skills material will be developed with test-yourself questions and case-studies. Language skills for non-native English speakers will be provided for and will allow better communication in the work situation. The learning material will be based on the book “Working in Harvesting Teams”.
  3. Agreed learning outcomes for operators in the UK, Germany and Sweden.

The project will be completed by the end of September, 2014. Contact  or visit  
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