The hydraulic system obtains a major upgrade for improved performance.
The same hydraulic system used in the 437E models is used in the 337E. This can give owners the peace of mind that their machine has been thoroughly tested in a variety of applications and conditions. John Deere indicates that the hydraulic system reduces fuel consumption compared to the previous small knuckleboom loader model.
The 337E knuckleboom loaders use components and systems that have been adopted from other model machines and tested in a variety of applications. It also has several improvements to improve operator productivity. The 337E has a five percent increase in both swing torque and boom lift over previous models. This will reduce delimbing and truck loading times. The 337E uses a 127 kW (173 hp) Final Tier 4 engine that uses the same after-treatment as the 700K forestry crawler dozers, providing the reassurance of a proven system. Serviceability has improved through a ground-level oil drain and filter changes to make hydraulic oil and filter maintenance faster and safer. An optional electric refill pump is also available. The smaller 132 l (35 gal) hydraulic oil reservoir reduces the cost of changing hydraulic oil by 44 percent. Other changes include an easy-install citizens band radio and an updated electrical system. Integrated circuit boards replace the fuse panel and relay board, eliminating relays and reducing the amount of wiring and connections in the circuit board area. The 337E comes standard with the JDLink™ machine monitoring system and remote diagnostics as part of John Deere ForestSight™. Source: