The information covers the supply chain from biomass harvesting to energy production.
The publication was produced as an output of the PromoBio project, which was supported by the European Commission, and coordinated by Metla. The best bioenergy practices and business models from Finland and Austria were tested and transferred to the target countries of Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The guide was developed as a tool to provide sufficient information for a wood-based bioenergy process and apply it to local conditions. It consists of the following main sections:

The publication was produced as an output of the PromoBio project, which was supported by the European Commission, and coordinated by Metla. The best bioenergy practices and business models from Finland and Austria were tested and transferred to the target countries of Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The guide was developed as a tool to provide sufficient information for a wood-based bioenergy process and apply it to local conditions. It consists of the following main sections:
- An introduction to the PromoBio project.
- An overview of forestry and wood fuel supply chains. The focus was on Austria and Finland, and covered aspects such as forestry and woodfuel supply and use, harvesting technologies, supply systems for chips, transport logistics and wood fuel quality.
- Combustion technologies and heating systems. This includes the factors influencing the combustion process, biomass boilers, biomass district heating systems and applications for end users.
- Investment costs and profitability of biomass heating plants.
- Business models covering the entire wood heat supply chain.
- A description of the situation in each pilot region.