The bulletins investigate harvester value recovery, volume recovery, harvester measurement accuracy, and comparisons of harvesting systems in gum plantations.
The articles are as summarised as follows:
Quantifying the value recovery improvement using a harvester optimiser - Bulletin 26, by D Walsh. The results showed that using optimisation technology on harvesters can increase the volume and value of merchantable wood recovered.
Volume recovery comparison for four different harvesting methods in short-rotation blue gum plantations – Bulletin 27, by R Mitchell and J Wiedermann. One cut-to-length system (harvester and forwarder) and three full tree systems with either dangle-head processor, integrated chain flail delimber debarker chipper, or stand alone flail and chipper, processing trees into either logs or chips, were studied. This interesting research showed that there was lower volume recovery from the harvester and roadside processor systems than the multi-stem processing systems.
Comparing the efficiency of four harvesting methods in a blue gum plantation in south-west Western Australia – Bulletin 29, by M Ghaffariyan and J Sessions. The same general systems as above were studied. The lowest cost system involved the use of an integrated flail and chipper at roadside.
Maintaining harvester measurement accuracy to maximise value recovery – Bulletin 28, by M Strandgard and D Walsh. This research was conducted in radiata pine, and the results showed that the maintenance of harvester length accuracy must be continuous during operation, and not wait for measurement accuracy problems to arise. This is done through regular calibration, checking for mechanical damage, quality control systems and ensuring that delimbing knives are kept sharp.
Logging-on has provided a very condensed summary of the research results, and the bulletins should be consulted for a more holistic appreciation of the results. Please contact Mark Brown at for copies of these very valuable research articles, and the CRC website at