Comprehensive logging safety checklist book

Help manage safety risks in your logging operations with the use of a safety checklist booklet.

The Virginia SHARP Logger Programme, which is an extension programme of the Virginia Tech Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, produced a logger safety checklist booklet for logging operations. The booklet consists of information, checklists, forms, sample policies and other information that logging and forestry companies should consider to assist with record keeping and risk reduction. The booklet was designed for each logging crew to have a copy, and to be valid for a period of one year. A sample of the contents is as follows:
  • Highlighting the key high danger conditions in logging.
  • A quick safety checklist of the various elements of an operation.
  • Examples of company training and safety policies.
  • Minimum safety rules.
  • Safety meeting topics.
  • Examples of safety meeting record forms.
  • First aid kit contents.

The booklet can be downloaded from  
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