The information is provided as an 18 minute voice-guided presentation. The presentation is aimed at machine operators, front-line supervisors and planning foresters. Management techniques are provided under the following headings:
- Operating season conditions – different underfoot conditions are described and techniques to reduce ground pressure are provided.
- A riparian tour – the area needs to be walked to ensure that all relevant aspects are identified.
- Water crossings – water crossing locations need to be identified and crossing structures constructed.
- Fuel storage – fuels should never be stored or dispensed in the riparian are and refuelling areas should be equipped with spill response materials. All machines should be equipped with spill kits.
- Landings – landings should be located outside of the riparian area.
- Service and repair – machines repairs should not be carried out in the riparian area.
- Operating techniques – operating practices should minimise mineral soil exposure. Various specific practices are included to minimise disturbance.
The information was compiled by Peter Hamilton, a researcher with FPInnovations.